Split case PMD
This fly is the number one nymphal emerger before or durring a PMD hatch. Its bulbous split wing case is coated in UV resin for durability and the lifelike profile makes these flies like candy for selective trout.
These are a must have for summer trout fishing.
This fly is the number one nymphal emerger before or durring a PMD hatch. Its bulbous split wing case is coated in UV resin for durability and the lifelike profile makes these flies like candy for selective trout.
These are a must have for summer trout fishing.
This fly is the number one nymphal emerger before or durring a PMD hatch. Its bulbous split wing case is coated in UV resin for durability and the lifelike profile makes these flies like candy for selective trout.
These are a must have for summer trout fishing.